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Small group work and conferring are what a teacher spends a bulk of the workshop time engaged in, which provides the teacher with multiple opportunities to personalize instruction. The routines and structures of a workshop are kept simple and predictable, as mentioned, so that the teacher can focus on the complex work of teaching in a responsive manner to accelerate achievement for all learners. This practice is well supported by Dube, Bessette, and Dorval 2011 whose research demonstrated the positive effects of the combination of flexible grouping, associated with the explicit teaching of writing are particularly clear in the subgroups of students with learning difficulties or severe learning difficulty in writing p. 181. In fact when comparing the error rate variation from the beginning and end of the experiment, the percentage dropped from 16. 22% of all errors for students with severe learning difficulties to 7. 83% of all types of errors, for the students with severe learning difficulties p. 181 in regard to different writing competencies. Also, the volume of student writing increased with students producing more in the time allotted. Ford, 2005 and Perkins and Cook 2012 also support the use of flexible grouping to support responsive instruction. The learning progressions and student facing checklists are important tools that promote self assessment and goal setting so that instruction is tailored to each individual learnerLook below for additional references that speak to supporting all learners in accessing the curriculum.

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I believed the problem would be rectified in a few weeks, but it was not that simple. Fifty plus students were functionally illiterate, and every student had the same difficulties. They had no understanding of phonics letter sound relationships and no word attack skills. Therefore, reading a text, even a simple one, was almost impossible. Our reading and writing system is an alphabetic one. Because the English alphabet is twenty six letters and the sounds forty four, one, two, three or four letters can be used to spell one sound.

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This is one of the reasons why the names Lord and Jehovah were separately identified in early texts,even though they were brought under the wrap of the single God in later times to suit the emergent Jewish and Christian faiths. To the Egyptians, the name of this Lord Adon was quite similar,and they called him Aten from which derived the name of Pharaoh AkhenatenServant of Aten. So, when Moses and the Israelites made their exodus into Sinai,they arrived not as worshippers of Jehovah, but of Aten,and it was for this very reason that they were presented with new laws and ordinances to bring them into line with the Hebrew culture of their prospective new homeland. When Moses and the Israelites left the Egyptian delta,their obvious route to Canaan would have been directly across the wilderness of northern Sinai but, instead,they pushed southward into the difficult high country to spend time at the Horeb mountain of Serabit. This was the anomaly which had long puzzled Petrie and his team. What then did the Petrie expedition discover high on the Bible's holy mountain?Well, to begin, they found nothing very much,but on a wide plateau near the summit there were distinct signs of ancient habitation. Pillars and standing stones could be seen protruding above the ground rubble which had been deposited by wind and landslides over some 3000 years. There is no other such monument which makes us regret that it is not in better preservation. The whole of it was buried,and no one had any knowledge of it until we cleared the site. What they found was an enormous Egyptian temple complex. Set within an enclosure wall was an outer temple built over an expanse of230 feet c.

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pdf Turnitin Guide for External Examiners External Examiners Turnitin guide. pdfThe resources in this section are thought to be helpful to those colleagues who are new to the role of External Examiner and provide information about the University's academic regulations, policies, procedures and IT systems. If there is any other information which you believe would be helpful to you as an External Examiner, please don't hesitate to email . uk. Bank Authority Form Bank Authority Form. doc Equality and Diversity Monitoring Equality and Diversity Monitoring Form. docx Expenses Calculator External Examiner Expenses Calculator. xlsx Claim Form ExternalExaminersExpensesClaimFormTaughtProgrammes. docxAnnual Report FormYour Annual Report should be submitted via an online form that can be found here. The form is secure to you, so you will need to use your University of Salford Associate account to log on. If you cant remember your user name, please email .

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