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Our analysis follows Karlsson, Loewenstein, and Seppi 2009 in using online account logins to measure investor attention to their portfolios. 3 Using a large panel data set on daily account logins over the two year period 20072008, we document a number of patterns in investor attention and market conditions: Investors log in to pay attention to their portfolios much more often than they trade. This is consistent with investors getting hedonic utility from attention to, or avoiding, information about their portfolio. The ostrich effect operates at daily, weekly, and monthly return horizons and is robust to a variety of specifications. Investor attention is decreasing in the VIX index as a measure of expectations about future stock market volatility. We call this negative correlation of attention with volatility the volatility ostrich effect.
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E un ritornare da Te. Buona domenica. banzai43 ancheoi al posto dell'acciuga mettiamo dei pezzettini di mozzarella ma alla fine credo che il risultato lo stesso. Un saluto Marcella e buona domenica sera!Arrivo proprio alla ricetta giusto io adoro le patate. be meno le acciughe potrei pure non metterle!Arrivo qui dal blog di Riri che molto gentilmente mi hasuggerito di porre a te un mio quesito culinario. Ho fatto una torta nel forno al microonde, il mio ragazzo solo quello ha in casa, la cottura c'era tutta, ha lievitato pure perch il volume aumentato, ma rimasta chiara e per nulla croccante!Il sapore non era male ma nulla a che vedere con quel leggermente croccantino dorato della cottura al forno!Esistono prodotti specifici per ottenere un effetto migliore nel forno a microonde?Grazie fin d'ora per l'attenzione, buona serataMarcella, le crocchette di patate sono la mia passione,le patate mi piacciono in tutte le salse.
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In Pakistan relationships exist only on an individual level, and as an individual I am entitled to forgive you or penalize you no matter what the law says. It is a feudal cultureor a degenerated feudal culture. That is why there is no law for the elites in Pakistanwhy they do whatever they want to do. So your question of why nobody investigated A. Q. Khan?He must have had allies in high places who ignored his activities. You've given us the bomb. All power to you. "But trading in nuclear weapons technology is more than just a form of misbehavior. To ignore such activities once they are known is in effect to participate in them. The lack of financial trails is inconvenient, but it does not obscure the essential history.
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Many try to blame Christianity for the chauvinist attitude of many males in our society. They claim the Bible teaches that men are superior to women and that women are not equal to men. This, of course, is not true. The Bible teaches that men and women are equal, but they have different roles because of the way God created them and because of their reactions to the temptation of the serpent 1 Timothy 2:1214. In New Scientist, Eveleen Richards states: In a period when women were beginning to demand the suffrage, higher education and entrance to middle class professions, it was comforting to know that women could never outstrip men; the new Darwinism scientifically guaranteed it. She went on in the article to say, an evolutionary reconstruction that centers on the aggressive, territorial, hunting male and relegates the female to submissive domesticity and the periphery of the evolutionary process. 6 In other words, some have used Darwinian evolution to justify that females are inferior. However, there are those in the feminist movement today who use evolution to try to justify that females are superior. There are even those who use evolution to justify childrens rights. When you think about this, any theory that justifies either male or female supremacy justifies neither. Christian women need to realize that the radical feminist movement is pervaded by evolutionist philosophy.